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Video Editor
Hi, my name is Vladut (please call me Vlad) and I know stuff about video editing.I 

I still have a lot to learn but I know how to use Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects and Photoshop.  I think that I can do anything on a medium level task!
10 Hours/Week,

Vladut Gabriel

Designer, AI Illustrater, Photoshop.
I love creating all kind of stuff, from logos to web elements and wallpapers.

I am currently working in Photshop and Illustrator.
4 EUR/h, 15 Hours/Week, Romania


graphic designer

Prelucrare imagini in Adobe PhotoshopMachete pentru diverse reclame/printuri in Adobe Photoshop si Corell Draw Fotograf - Fotoreporter Prelucrarea fotografiilor in Lightroom
5 EUR/h, 80 Hours/Week,


Designer banner/logo/retusare/modelare/modificare lumina contrast/modificare poze.

Designer banner/logo/retusare/modelare/modificare lumina contrast/modificare poze
5 EUR/h,


  Buna ziua, imi plac provocarile si termenele *** a.  Ador sa ajut oameni si sa capat experiente noi de viata. As fi incantata sa fac parte din acest proiect. Sunt mama si imi cresc copilul muncind de acasa.      

Buna ziua, imi plac provocarile si termenele *** a.  Ador sa ajut oameni si sa capat experiente noi de viata
10 EUR/h, 40 Hours/Week,


Video Graphic Designer
Hi everyone, I am a professional designer and have been serving the design creation industry since 2014. I specialize in motion graphics, intro design,video editing and logo design.

Web Development   Wordpress   Adobe Photoshop   Website Design   Logo Design   Adobe Ilustrator   Video Editing   Graphic ...


CG artist

3D Studio Max Adobe Photoshop Adobe After Effects Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Caricatures
20 Hours/Week,


Graphic Designer
I just realized, that working in on office from 8 am till 4 pm, it's not my type of being, because in my hometown my work is not paid as I dreamed when I was at university. However I was thinking of doing my own business and create my own ...

Here are my skills what you need to know: I'm a professional graphic designer, driven by creativity and fashion. My style's characteristics are the simplicity and clear forms.  Mostly I deal with print design, brand design, package design, ...
10 EUR/h, 30 Hours/Week, Romania


Graphic Designer

Cuno?tiin?e avansate în suita de programe Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), cuno?tiin?e medii în Corel.
10 EUR/h, 20 Hours/Week,