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Designer Web

HTML5, CSS3, Javascript

Vlad Andrei

Web developer
My name is Turtoi Vlad, I am a web developer with six years experience. Four years I was exclusive to backend developer and another two full stack

  Php, c#/ASP, java, Mysql, MSSQL, PSQL, ElasticSQL, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Angular2, Angular, Laravel, Codeigniter, Spring, Hibernate
25 EUR/h, 20 Hours/Week,

Vlad Ionut

Web & Mobile Developer
Hello!I am an enthusiast front end developer, working with ReactJS for web projects and React Native & Swift for mobile projects.

ReactJS React Native Swift


Software Engineer
The power of learning and processing information quickly, the optimism and the team spirit recommend myself for any job and at the same time it motivates me to progress and to improve my skills and abilities. I am able to develop web applications ...

Java Spring Framework JSF AngularJS HTML CSS JavaScript Git SVN SQL JUnit
3Euros/ h EUR/h, 25 - 30 Hours/Week, Romania


Freelancer specializat in realizarea website-urilor pe platforma WordPres
Salut, numele meu este Radu Vladut ?i sunt un freelancer Web Development din Craiova, România, ce furnizeaz? clien?ilor s?i atât servicii integrate de web Development, optimizare seo, logo design cât ?i servicii ...

Wordpress, HTML, SEO, Website Development
10 EUR/h, 25 Hours/Week,


Video Graphic Designer
Hi everyone, I am a professional designer and have been serving the design creation industry since 2014. I specialize in motion graphics, intro design,video editing and logo design.

Web Development   Wordpress   Adobe Photoshop   Website Design   Logo Design   Adobe Ilustrator   Video Editing   Graphic ...


Angular, ASP Net Core Developer
Angular Web Api Asp Net Core

Angular 8,9 Angular Material PrimeNg Rxjs SignalR ASP Net Core MVC, WebApi Entity Framework Core Sql Server


Website Designer
Realizez website-uri de 5 ani si ma ocup de tot ce presupune aceasta munca. 

wordpress joomla drupal magento
10 EUR/h, 90 Hours/Week,


Web Developer
Buna ziua, numele meu este Zamfira Andrei, am 18 ani si sunt din Curtea de Arges. Inca de mic am fost pasionat de domeniul IT ceea ce mi-a dat un mic "boost" in tot ceea ce fac. Iubesc sa lucrez in acest domeniu deoarece imi ofera pace. 

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, VueJS, PHP, MySQL, Adobe Phonegap (Cordova).
5 EUR/h, 20 Hours/Week,


Programator web
Sunt un programator din Timisoara. Lucrez de 11 ani ca programator web, in principiu creand intraneturi si CRM-uri, dar am facut o gama variata de pagini web, de la magazin online pana la site de prezentare fotograf

Php, Java, Mysql, html, css, javascript, jquery, bootstrap