Romana  /  English




Software Developer, Front-end and Back-end developer, Android app developer

Hello, my name is Alex Hang, I am 19 years old, and I'm from Bucharest, Romania.

I like programming, I know C++,HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and game programming using Unreal Engine.

Experience level: middle

Advanced Web Programming skills ( both front-end and back-end)

Advanced Android Cordova app development skills.

Good game creation skills (game design and programming).

Advanced knowledges of HTML, Css, JavaScript, PHP, C++, SQL.

Good knowledge of Morse Code

Capability to work in a team and also coordinate a team.

Good management skills 

Mobile App Developers
Software Developers
Web Developers
Romanian - advanced
English - advanced
French - medium

Worked at various Websites and Android apps.

One of my apps, Discover Romania won the Silver Medal at Infomatrix International Programming competition.

I am a member of Intel Developers Zone since 2015, and I recieved the Intel Brown Belt Software Developer title.

I own a radiocomunication 3rd grade license. (Radioamamteur, call sign YO3IJF)

  • Politehnica University of Bucharest 
  • Gheorghe Sincai National College
  • National Children's Pallace (electronics, radiocomunications and Morse Code)
  • CodeCademy
  • Udemy



Codecademy certificates for : 

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • SQL

Udemy certificates for

  • Android app development
  • Web Development
  • Back-end database creation

ANCOM radioamateur license, 3rd class.