Salut, sunt un freelancer si caut colabarator(i) pentru un client din sectorul energetic cu sediul in Berlin,
la care activez momentan intr-unul dintre proiecte.
Locatia desfasurarii activitatii va fi Bruxell si Berlin ocazional, restul intre 60-80 la suta Remote.
Durata proiectului este de 15 luni cu posibilitate de prelungire, 40 de ore pe saptamana.
Daca crezi ca te incadrezi, pregateste un cv, rata orara(remote/onsite) dorita si contacteaza-ma.
Doar candidatii care intrunesc toate conditiile pot fi luati in considerare.
Main tasks:
• Develop, test, document software components, libraries or services based on Feature
• Contribute to project development through system design, requirements gathering, and
• Configure, develop and document code extensions for off-the-shelf solutions such as access
manager, authorization engine, API gateway, reverse proxy, directory service or custom
components, in various technologies depending on products features and APIs.
• Promote, develop and improve continuous integration and deployment of software releases
with automation and configuration management.
• Participate to squad team sprints elaboration, planning, execution and evaluation.
• Take ownership of backlog items in the Sprint Backlog.
• Collaborate with other programmers and UX Designers to achieve sprint goals
• Research and defend possible approaches to problems
• Lear and apply (new) concepts, standards and development environments that are needed to
best execute the assigned tasks.