Terms and conditions
www.freelancerit.ro ( referred as Freelancerit ) is managed by Net Interaction. Adress where you can contact us is office@freelanceit.ro
If you use services or informations provided by Freelanceit, this will be equivalent to acceptance of the terms and conditions below.
Any activity of further use of services, preceded by ticking the box”I have read and agree to the terms of use of this site” is supposed to be equivalent to your express consent that you accept and will comply in full, this Agreement and any additional document to which he refers.
These terms and conditions may be amended from time to time.Please check this box to be regu- larly updated with all changes in the terms and conditions of Freelancerit.
Intellectual property protection
The content and design for Freelancerit ( and any other material relating to Freelancerit ) sent to you by email or provided to you in any other way ( as, for example: articles, design and any other material which we refer to as the “Content Freelancerit” ) belong to freelancers and collaborators
- where this is expressly stated or not specified another author - ( copyright ) and are protected by intellectual property laws. You can’t use, reproduce or allow anyone to use or reproduce the mate- rial without having written permission from Freelancerit or its employees, who hold an intellectual property right on that section of the freelancers content. It is also denied to reproduced in any way, all or part of the information contained in freelancers profiles or IT companies without prior written agreement from Freelancerit.
The content of Freelancerit
You can copy and print the content of FreelancerIT only for your personal use, according to the purpose for which you signed in Freelancerit. Without the content above, the content of Free- lancerit can’t be reproduced, modified and exploited regardless of the commercial or noncommer- cial’s operation. Actions such as those described below are not allowed without prior written per- mission from Freelancerit:
a) It’s not allowed to reproduce or store content and submitt this content to any other website, server or any other means of storing information.
b)It’s not allowed to modify, publish, transmit, sale or distribut of materials made by reproduction, modification or displaying the content without permission from us.
c) It’s not allowed to remove signs that signify Freelanceit copyright of the content.
Any use of Freelancerit content for purposes other than expressly permitted here in the present document is prohibited. Requests to use Content for any purpose other than expressly permitted here may be sent to the email address: office@freelancerit.ro
The information you provide about yourself to Freelancerit will be used only in accordance with the
terms of the COnfidentiality Agreement of Freelancerit.
Registration, passwords and responsibilities
To use the services offered by our site, you must:
1) Provide true, accurate and complete information about yourself as prompted by the registration form of the website.
2) Maintain and renew, when the situation requires, the registrationdata to be true, accurate and complete. Understand you make that notification withnin 30 days of the date on which the change occured.
Freelancerit can check depending on the case, fairness tax code registrered on the site of Ministry of Finance www.finante.ro
For legal entities, the company has an obligation to transmit real information, real name, address, e-mail, telephone, contact name and surname and tax code.
Companies located abroad are required to submit registration number validated on site.
By survey, Freelancerit consultants may request documents concerning the activity of the company, if the contact person is entitled to represent that company or can verify the correctness or telephone number allocated.
If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate or incomplete, Freelancerit has the right to suspend or block your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the site. Also Freelancerit is not obligated to check in advance the material published by users. Therefore, Free- lancerit is not liable in any way on the information and data posted, broadcast or transmitted by its users. If requests by a user, Freelancerit cand investigate and verify allegations and decide whether such information should be removed.
Freelancerit users:
Since it’s a site of freelancing, Freelancerit gives you the opportunity of profile registration in our database.
You can register your profile in our database and then apply for the various projects posted by em- plyers on site.Employers are not able to see your profile, default personal information unless your purchase one of the packages available. If they want, they can unlock your contact details and you will be contacted by them. Try to limit access to our database only to employers, human resources companies, personnel managers, HR specialists, and agencies/institutions of national security but can not guarantee that other third parties can not access our database. Freelancerit is not liable for the use of your profile by third parties as long as they are accessed in our database.
You can delete your profile from our database by sending an email to office@freelancerit.ro ( but not earlier than 3 months after the most recent application on a project ). Your profile may lie still in the database, where employers, recruiters, staff, managers, specialists in HR have paid for a copy of our database, or if third parties have earned the right to access the database. We are not respon- sible for this kind of data storage. Your profile information may be disclosed only:
-by Freelancerit when applying to a project posted on the site
-when a company has purchased the appropiate profile from the database search criteria.
Some companies have chosen to make its recruitment projects via Freelancerit can understand that it is easier to present a misleading reality, incomplete, incorrect or aggressively orientate to other social categories. These rules require fairness to employers, but not all users agree to abide by the rules. You should therefore discern before using the information contained in there before using the information contained in these before making an investement or other action involving the use of funds or own resources or third parties. Please contact us if learning of such adverisements.
Users Enterprises
Freelancerit ensures password-based access to the the site www.freelancerit.ro Through
Freelancerit, you can select freelancers aim to collaborate in the company/your projects.
Selection and promotion can be done in the following ways:
1. Choose to an ad project. Ads can be displayed on www.freelancerit.ro to a period of 30 days
Publication of projects is free until the end of October 2015:
Companies have the right to free public projects by the end of October 2015, the offer is available only to comapnies registered in the freelancer who cpmpletes correctly and complete registration information.
Free projects have the same validity as that regime and projects paid and may be published only on www.freelancerit.ro in the name of registered company.
The projects do not benefit the companies free to post projects from another besides the IT indus- try. Non IT firms but those need IT services to post the projects on our site.
In this case, you accept and agree that you will comply with the rule of good faith when planning recruitmnt and advertising the project. Thus, you are obligated to not publish advertisements in- complete, inaccurtate, not to make subsequent selection of candidates that those presented in the draft rules published on Freelancerit. In case you don’t follow these rules, you understand and agree that Freelancerit have the right to restrict access to its services to those users who violate the provisions of this Agreement.
2. Choose to search the profiles of candidates in the database of Freelancerit. Choose one of the packages price corresponding to the number of profiles that you can view in the database of Free- lancerit.Pay the price of the service. You can search though all profiles in the database. You can view any profile without contacts. Depending on the package chosen, you can view the contact de- tails of 1,5 or 20 profiles.
In all cases you understand and agree that you will not use the data from freelancers profiles just in sole purpse of personal collaboration for the company that published the announcement of collabo- ration.
Some freelancers that have chosen to enter their profiles in the database of Freelancerit can under- stand that it’s easier to present a reality milseading, incomplete, incorrect or aggressively orientate to other social cateogories. You should therefore discern before using the information contained in these profiles before having collaboration, investment or any other action involving the use of funds or own resources or third parties. Please contact us if you know about the existance of such profiles.
Profile publication/ Recruitment announcement/Projects/Cooperation through Freelancerit
Freelancerit can provide communication platforms between you and other users ( profiles, classi- fieds, advertising your company etc ), called “Messages”. In idea that Freelancerit can’t and is not interested in filtering profiles or announcements posted or sent by its users through these commu- nications platforms, we reserve the right ( which may be exercised at the time of our choosing and without notice ) delete, move or edit the message or to restrict some users access to one of its plat- forms communication. These measures may be taken as a result of failure by ursers to the law of the terms and conditions of use of the site.
You are solely responsible for the content of your messages. To do this, you should know that post- ing or sending messages through the communication platforms provided by Freelancerit is subject to the following limitations:
Protect your account ( Freelancer or company)
Your access to certain services and information from the Freelancerit is protected by a password. We recommend that you not disclose to anyone the password. Freelancerit will never ask for your password accounts in unsolicited messages or calls. Furthermore, if possible, you should remem- ber to sign log off / sign out of your account’s user account freelancer at the end of each session of use. We also advise you to close the browser window you worked at the end of your browsing free- lancers.
These tips are designed to avoid unauthorized access to your personal information or your mail when you’re working in a computer network located in a public place. (in Internet cafes, for exam- ple).
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. You will be responsible for the use of your registration, whether it is done with or without your permission. You agree to report freelancer in connection with any unauthorized use of your account and password. Company shall not be liable for any moral or material damage caused by failure to do by you.
Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed brokering to be 100% se- cure. Accordingly, despite our efforts to protect your personal information, Freelancerit can not guarantee the security of information submitted by you to us to and from our online services or products. Therefore we warn you that any information sent to us will be on your own risk. Each registration is for a single user.
Removing access
Freelancerit may, without any other notification or formality and without it requiring an explana- tion of his attitude, to suspend or terminate your access to content freelancers or part of this con- tent. Freelancerit can block your password, service usage, or any of its other services you receive, or to remove and delete any material from the Service for any reason or no reason. Freelancerit can also whenever he wants, without giving account, discontinue providing the service, or parts of them, with or without notice. If it will apply, where appropriate, the provisions of this document.
If restricting access of services for users, they understand and agree that the only claims that they will be brought against freelancer limited to the partial repayment of corresponding price restricted period.
Changes to the site
Freelancerit reserves the right to suspend, modify , add or remove any portion of its content. Also, freelancers reserves the right to restrict user access to part or the whole content .
The lack of guarantee and declination of liability
Although every time endeavor to ensure the quality and correctness of the articles published on Freelancerit, Freelancerit can’t guarantee, express or implied, concerning the content or charac-ter correct, complete and current information presented in the profile candidates to job ads posted companies and projects published software products and services or published under its aegis. Free- lancerit assumes no liability, under any circumstances, for any damage, caused directly or indirectly for any lack of profit, direct or indirect (including, but not limited to this enumeration: damages for loss of profit, interruption of business or other pecuniary loss) incurred as a result of the use or dis- continuation of use or lack regularity information and services provided by Freelancerit although Freelancerit previous alert you that the use of such information without a specialized consultant may cause such damage.
Freelancerit does not guarantee the accuracy, correctness or timeliness of the information or ser- vices provided by Freelancerit. Also, Freelancerit do not ensure that information systems or pro- grams used by Freelancerit for displaying or transmitting information on Freelancerit or other forms do not contain viruses or other destructive code sequences or other destructive properties.
You agree to hold harmless Freelancerit for any judicial or extrajudicial actions and to cover costs and any other expenses that may arise as a result of a breach by you of the terms of this contract.
Freelancerit , affiliates and generally to Freelancerit information providers can not be held liable for any delay or error in the content provided by our publications , resulting directly or indirectly from causes that do not depend on the will Freelancerit. This exemption includes but is not limited to malfunctions of machinery from Freelancerit lack functioning internet connection , no functioning telephone connections , computer viruses , unauthorized access to systems of Freelancerit.
Changing the terms of this Agreement. Freelancerit is entitled, without notice and without fulfill- ment of other formalities, to change the terms of this Agreement. We recommend that you re-read this document periodically so as to keep up with all amendments thereto. Access to Freelancerit and use of our services implies that you have agreed on new terms of this Agreement.
Advertising and content provided by others. Parts of the content included on Freelancerit may
be provided by third parties which Freelancerit has contracts to supply content. Also within free- lancers content may be included in the advertising section that will display advertising messages of third parties. Freelancerit is not responsible in any degree on the content provided by third parties, whether it is advertising or not.
Notifications. Any notice must be sent to Freelancerit writing, by email, by post or fax to the ad- dress mentioned in this document.
Governing law and jurisdiction
The rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement and all legal effects it produces this Agreement shall be construed and governed by Romanian law in force. Any dispute which concerns this agreement will be brought before the courts for settlement in Romanian .
Prelucrarea datelor
Asa cum stii, prelucram datele tale cu caracter personal, in scop de marketing direct si de promovare in vederea facilitarii gasirii locului de munca potrivit.
Astfel, odata cu accesarea site-ului nostru si totodata logarea si transmiterea datelor tale esti de acord cu preluarea si stocarea datelor tale cu caracter personal, mai mult, esti de acord ca societatea FREELANCER IT S.R.L., cu sediul in Bucureşti Sectorul 1, Strada Iordache Golescu, Nr. 28, Corp A, Camera Nr.4, Etaj 1, sa fie autorizata sa proceseze datele tale cu caracter personal, astfel cum acestea sunt postate pe platformele social media web si/sau astfel cum rezulta din CV-ul transmis societatii noastre, in scopul furnizarii de informatii prin intermediul e-mail-ului, SMS-ului, telefonului, platforme social media, oferte speciale, evenimente, precum si transmiterea datelor tale cu caracter personal, in vederea facilitarii gasirii locului de munca potrivit.
Consimtamantul in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor tale cu caracter personal, precum si furnizarea datelor mentionate este voluntar, in baza prezentei note de informare, iar acest consimtamant cuprinde si transmiterea datelor tale catre autoritatile statului conform legilor in vigoare.
Acest consimtamant cu privire la prelucarea, stocarea si procesarea datelor cu caracter personal ale tale poate fi revocat in orice moment, printr-o notificare catre societatea noastra, transmisa in oricare din modalitatile de comunicare.
Totodata, suntem incantati sa te informam asupra urmatoarelor drepturi pe care le ai:
Dreptul de acces inseamna ca ai dreptul de a obtine o confirmare din partea noastra ca prelucram sau nu datele cu caracter personal care te privesc personal, cat si in caz afirmativ, acces la datele respective si la informatii privind modalitatea in care sunt prelucrate datele.
Dreptul la portabilitatea datelor se refera la dreptul de a primi datele personale intr-un format structurat, utilizat in mod curent si care poate fi citit automat si la dreptul ca aceste date sa fie transmise direct altui operator, daca acest lucru este fezabil din punct de vedere tehnic.
Dreptul la opozitie vizeaza dreptul de a te opune prelucrarii datelor personale atunci cand prelucrarea este necesara pentru indeplinirea unei sarcini care serveste unui interes public sau cand are in vedere un interes legitim al operatorului. Atunci cand prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal are drept scop marketingul direct, ai dreptul de a te opune prelucrarii in orice moment.
Dreptul la rectificare se refera la corectarea, fara intarzieri nejustificate, a datelor cu caracter personal inexacte. Rectificarea va fi comunicata fiecarui destinatar la care au fost transmise datele, cu exceptia cazului in care acest lucru se dovedeste imposibil sau presupune eforturi disproportionate.
Dreptul la stergerea datelor ("dreptul de a fi uitat") inseamna ca ai dreptul de a solicita sa iti stergem datele cu caracter personal, fara intarzieri nejustificate, in cazul in care se aplica unul dintre urmatoarele motive: acestea nu mai sunt necesare pentru indeplinirea scopurilor pentru care au fost colectate sau prelucrate; iti retragi consimtamantul si nu exista niciun alt temei juridic pentru prelucrare; te opui prelucrarii si nu exista motive legitime care sa prevaleze; datele cu caracter personal au fost prelucrate ilegal; datele cu caracter personal trebuie sterse pentru respectarea unei obligatii legale; datele cu caracter personal au fost colectate in legatura cu oferirea de servicii ale societatii informationale.
Dreptul la restrictionarea prelucrarii poate fi exercitat in cazul in care persoana contesta exactitatea datelor, pe o perioada care ne permite verificarea corectitudinii datelor; prelucrarea este ilegala, iar persoana se opune stergerii datelor cu caracter personal, solicitand in schimb restrictionarea; in cazul in care societatea noastra nu mai are nevoie de datele cu caracter personal in scopul prelucrarii, dar persoana i le solicita pentru constatarea, exercitarea sau apararea unui drept in instanta; in cazul in care persoana s-a opus prelucrarii pentru intervalul de timp in care se verifica daca drepturile legitime ale operatorului prevaleaza asupra celor ale persoanei respective.
⎫ Subsemnatul, declar ca am citit, am inteles aceasta nota de informare, cat si declaratia de consimtamant si sunt de acord cu procesarea datelor mele personale prin canalele de mai sus si anume e-mail, SMS, telefon, canale social media in scopul promovarii pentru gasirea locului de munca optim.
Thank you,
Freelancerit team