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Cyber Telecommunication Expert
Im an expert in internet tehnology: developing, graphical, administration, security. I can work fast with premium quality, this is how i was trained. Read my experience for more.

php, mysql, html, css, js, smarty, java, python, linux, all cms including cs-cart multivendor, presta, joomla, wordpress (any cms platform), photoshop, illustrator, video edit, adobe premiere elements. I can make online tv streaming service.
7.77 EUR/h, 40 Hours/Week,


Software Developer, GUI Developer, QA/Tester MS Office
Buna sunt Alex! Daca vreti sa ma contatctati scrieti-mi un mail despre proiectul cu care va pot ajuta, si am sa va raspund cat de repede pot. O zi placuta in continuare! Hello,my name is Alex! If you want to contact me, send me a mail about your ...

Free Pascal, C#, QA Testing, MS Office 
10 EUR/h, 10 Hours/Week,


designer,architecture student
Sunt stundent in anul 3 la arhitectura,imi place sa lucrez in domeniul modelarii 3d,cunosc majoritatea programelor de proiectare inclusiv photoshop

5-6 Hours/Week,


Web designer

Wordpress, Wix, Sony Vegas, Adobe Photoshop, Youtube


Web Developer / Software Engineer
Sunt un tanar Web Developer si Software Engineer pasionat de acest domeniu, si impicat.

Avansat in : -HTML5 -CSS3 -jQuery -JavaScript -PHP -MySQLi -C++ -C
15 EUR/h, 50 Hours/Week, Romania


Personal Asistent,Online Marketing,Online Publisher
Student 20 de ani la universitatea Petrol si Gaze Ploiesti,invat foarte rapid.

5 EUR/h, 35 Hours/Week,


Software Alex
Am 20 de ani...momentan lucrez ca merchandiser...

simtul observatiei,calm,dedicat
5 EUR/h, 5 Hours/Week,


Web Designer/ Graphic Designer
I have acquired the passion for IT in my very first years of life. It urges me to believe that the hard work, coupled with the team experience I have gained, helps me improve myself professionally.

Adobe Photoshop Adobe After Effects ECDL - European Computer Driving Licence - Complet jQueryVisual C++ html5 - advanced Maxon Cinema 4d Adobe Macromedia Flash AutoCADAutodesk Maya Autodesk 3ds ...
10 EUR/h, 72 Hours/Week,


Software Developer
Experienced entry Software Developer willing to learn and adapt to various projects and tasks.

Mainly aimed to web development, but with various other knowledge.
3 EUR/h, 20 Hours/Week,


Front End Web Developer, Designer, Technical Support , SEO and QA Skills

- HTML - CSS - JAVASCRIPT - Joomla, Wordpress, Magento 
15 EUR/h, 30 Hours/Week,