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Software Consultant

Programming Visual Basic Magik JAVA Visual C Visual FoxPro Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Pascal Android   Web   Java web applications Java Web Services ASP.NET Web Servers (Apache, IIS, Tomcat, ...
30 EUR/h, 20 Hours/Week,


Inginer, managemet in alimentatie publica si turism
Buna Perfectionist, cred ca asta e un plus dar si un minus, e posibil sa imi dedic prea multa atentie pe un proitect sau o sarcina si poate pierd detaliile de la altceva ce poate fac. Is capabil sa multi-task-ui doar ca daca ma fixez pe ceva anume ...

Pot utiliza un calculator la nivel avansat, asta dupa gradarea nationala; dar depinde de ce imi este dat de facut.Cu un calculator poti face foarte multe
1.8 EUR/h, 30-35 Hours/Week,


Software Engineer
Am 19 ani, pasionat de programare si imi doresc sa am cat mai devreme oportunitatea de a lucra in domeniu.

C++ C#
10 EUR/h, 30 Hours/Week,


Freelancer &Translator
Hi....... I can do any work of the freelancer.such as data entry &Typing file PDF to Word files and many more work in the same fields and do remember me in every task in which you need a freelancer...... Urdu native translator    

15 *** EUR/h, all Hours/Week,


Software Developers, Computer maintenance
I'm a student. Currently I work at a company as an IT Consultant. I'm looking for projects for my experience and my pocket money.  

C++ C HTML Linux Microsoft Windows Microsoft Office Microsoft Exchange
10 EUR/h, 20 Hours/Week, Romania


Senior Software QA Engineer
With 15 years of IT experience, I have a strong background as a Java Developer, QA Engineer, and Application Support Engineer. My experience as Java developer provided me with a solid foundation in software processes and best practices. ...

Windows Linux Java Design patterns in automation  SQL Selenium Cucumber TestNG RestAssured Gson Maven  
40 Hours/Week, Romania