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Software tester / Project Coordinator
Privesc tehnologia ca o necesitate absoluta in acest fenomen numit evolutie.Sunt interesat de tehnologiile si metodele in care acestea sunt aplicate in scopul imbunatatirii vietii de zi cu zi a membrilor societatii civile.Doresc sa fac parte din ...

adaptare rapida la instrumente si tehnici noi; lucrul cu diferite platforme; cunoasterea pachetului Microsoft office, Jira, BuildDB, XDK, Wordpress, Bloomberg reporter, etc;  
0 EUR/h, 40+ Hours/Week,


Automation QA Engineer
mid Automation QA tester, 2+ years experience in development. ==REALLY LOOKING FORWARD ON EXTENDING MY NETWORK==I speak JavaScript, love testing and passionately believe in Agile, maximum automated QA, and delivering features early and as often as ...

JavaScript Test Automation 

Claudia Ioana

QC Engineer
I have 4 years of experience in software testing and currently I work for a multinational company as a QC Engineer. I can offer my services in this field in my free time and in weekends for anyone who needs their products to be tested. I have ...

Manual testing, functional testing, integration testing, acceptance testing, test cases, etc. 
20-30 hours Hours/Week,


Software Engineer
Sunt pasionat de a scrie si a testa software, mereu curios sa caut noi abordari

Cunosc java, SQL Server, Android Development, testare folosing HP UFT. Am cunostiinte si de HTML/CSS si ma descurc si in alte limbaje care folosesc sau nu OOP.
7 EUR/h, 20-30 Hours/Week, Romania


Qality Assurance Software Tester

Develop test cases and execute them Gather and manipulate test data Report and track defects   Tools: Oracle SQL Developer, SoapUI, JIRA, Aplication Lifecycle Management     
16 - 20h Hours/Week, Romania


Game tester

- excellent problem solving and critical thinking skills


Graphic Desginer,
Sunt studenta in an terminal la Inginerie Mecanica si Electrica, Calculatoare in cadrul Universitatii Petrol-Gaze Ploiesti.Sunt pasionata de realizarea site-urilor, web design si implicit digital design.Inca din liceu am fost atrasa de modul in care ...

Computer skills( Microsoft Office) Limbaje de programare( c,C++,C#,PHP,html,js,kquery,ajax,mysq) Graphic design(Photoshop,Adobe Flash,Blender) Copywriter Planificare de evenimente Cunostinte tehnice specifice ingineriei(Matlab,Autocad) Solutii ...
56 Hours/Week,


Software Quality Assurance Engineer

Experience working with Agile methodology Experience in testing Frontend, Backend, Web-service and Software applications Experience in both Manual and Automated Testing Test Automation Framework implementation using Selenium, ...
10 EUR/h, 15 Hours/Week,


QA Engineer

- java, C#, html, selenium, serenity, jbehave, jmeter, jenkins, maven, GitHub, GitLab, JIRA, Zephyr, Gherkin, MySQL, PostgreSQL; - Scrum/Agile methodology; - JIRA, Confluence; - web testing, regression testing, exploratory testing, sanity ...
7 EUR/h, 10-15 (including weekends) Hours/Week, Romania


QA Software Engineer
With enough coffee, nothing is impossible.