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Software Engineer, Project Manager, Designer
I worked for over 7 years in the software outsourcing business. I have over 5 years of experience in the field of project management, software architecture and team leadership. Companies from all over Europe are listed among my  ...

Programming languages and technologies ·         .Net: C#, ASP .NET ·         Java ·         Java for ...


Software Engineer, Architect, Developer
Full Stack Engineer - 10+ years of industry experience Node JS, JavaScript, MySQL, Redis, PHP, Python, React, Next.js, Chrome Extensions, CSS, HTML5 Fast and Smart Developer - Freelance, Part-time or Full-time

Google Cloud Platform, NodeJS, php, Python JavaScript, Vanilla JS / Next.js MySQL, MS SQL Server, Redis XML, XSLT, JSON, HTTPs UDP, TCP GIT, SVN OAuth, JWT CSS, HTML
10 EUR/h, 40 Hours/Week, India


SAP Workflow Developer & Web Developer Currently i work as a WF ABAP Developer at a company, but i'm looking for some ABAP projects for my free time. Also i would like to work on the Web Technologies if i will find some interesting ...

SAP ABAP: - ABAP dictionary objects (domains, data elements, structures, tables, views, search helps, search help exits) - Smartforms - ALV/ SALV lists, Trees: working with + events handling - Report modularization - ABAP OO ...
20 Hours/Week,


Software/Web Developer
I am a young but skilled software developer looking to earn some extra money and experience outside of work. I can do any web project fairly fast and I am not affraid of new technologies. 

Very skilled with AngularJs/Typescript, JQuery and PHP/Laravel MVC framework for the web Very skilled with WPF/UWP C# Windows applications. Fairly skilled with objective-C iOS mobile app development
20 EUR/h, 20 Hours/Week, Romania



Programare Web, Programare orientata pe obiecte, sisteme alarma, Sisteme de gestiune a bazelor de date, Sisteme de operare, sisteme supraveghere video, Adobe Macromedia Flash, Adobe ...
20 EUR/h, 30 Hours/Week,


Software Engineer
Imi place sa ma implic in noi proiecte pe care sa le duc la bun sfarsit si consider ca acesta este locul perfect unde as putea face acest lucru.

1. SQL     - Design structura baza de date     - Intretinerea unei baze de date     - Creare tabele,proceduri,view-uri,job-uri 2. Visual Basic (VBA)     - Creare aplicatii in Access 3. ...
20 EUR/h, 15 Hours/Week, Romania


InnoDevs - Simply amazing IT Services
Your projects will be handled with 100 *** commitment from the very beginning. We handle the R&D process and provide full analytics so that we can make sure that the technologies used suit your idea best.

Date despre tehnologii Lucram cu tehnologiile potrivite pentru fiecare proiect. Nu alegem ultimele tehnologii doar pentru ca par interesante, ci le adaptam pentru cerinta clientului. Astfel, programatorii seniori sunt full-stack, programatorii ...
15-20 EUR/h, 40 Hours/Week,


Web Developer
Potential ridicat in finalizarea proiectelor in scurt timp, intelegator, calm.

5 EUR/h, 15-25 Hours/Week,


Freelance Web Developer
My experience (8+ years) as a Web Developer consists of building web sites and applications, both backend and frontend, using PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap and other technologies.Since 2015, I'm a freelancer, working for ...

Development and maintenance of web sites and applications, both backend and frontend. Programming in an object-oriented (OOP) manner. Using MVC architecture. Working with data within complex structures. Creation and configuration of cronjobs and ...
22 EUR/h, 30 Hours/Week, Romania


Junior front end web developer
Professional Trainings: HTML 5 and CSS3: hot to build a User Interface (Intermediate) Java script: OOP concepts , Ajax , DOM (beginner to intermediate) jQuery: basic knowledge Photoshop: basic knowledge React: basic knowledge HTTP: ...

·         Team-Oriented ·         Self-starter ·         Time ...
30 Hours/Week,