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Conent writer, logo designer, and more
Salut, numele meu este Vlad, am 19 ani si sunt student la facultatea de mecanica din Iasi. Am foarte mult timp liber pe care mi-ar placea sa-l investesc in scrierea unor articole, lucrari, sau continut pentru diverse blog-uri.

Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Office 2010.
10 EUR/h, 30 Hours/Week,


Software Engineer
Am 19 ani, pasionat de programare si imi doresc sa am cat mai devreme oportunitatea de a lucra in domeniu.

C++ C#
10 EUR/h, 30 Hours/Week,


Persoana ambitioasa, dornica de a munci si de afla lucruri noi. Voluntur ATRAG Iasi, FIRESC Suceava.    

Desen, Grafica, C++ beginner, C# beginner.
20 EUR/h, 56 Hours/Week,


Video Editor
Hi, my name is Vladut (please call me Vlad) and I know stuff about video editing.I 

I still have a lot to learn but I know how to use Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects and Photoshop.  I think that I can do anything on a medium level task!
10 Hours/Week,


Freelancer specializat in realizarea website-urilor pe platforma WordPres
Salut, numele meu este Radu Vladut ?i sunt un freelancer Web Development din Craiova, România, ce furnizeaz? clien?ilor s?i atât servicii integrate de web Development, optimizare seo, logo design cât ?i servicii ...

Wordpress, HTML, SEO, Website Development
10 EUR/h, 25 Hours/Week,


Software Engineer

C embedded

Vladut Gabriel

Designer, AI Illustrater, Photoshop.
I love creating all kind of stuff, from logos to web elements and wallpapers.

I am currently working in Photshop and Illustrator.
4 EUR/h, 15 Hours/Week, Romania


QA Manual Tester

I write test cases and register the bugs.
10 EUR/h, 10 Hours/Week, Romania


Java Developer

Java SE, Java EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, JSP, JSF, JSON, XML


graphic designer

Prelucrare imagini in Adobe PhotoshopMachete pentru diverse reclame/printuri in Adobe Photoshop si Corell Draw Fotograf - Fotoreporter Prelucrarea fotografiilor in Lightroom
5 EUR/h, 80 Hours/Week,