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Adrian Andrei

Database and Web Administrator
Experience in manual testing, web administration and database, manage servers and networks to ensure their smooth functioning. Experience in using Jira, Confluence, Magento, PrestaShop, Zen Cart, Photoshop, Microsoft Office, etc. Managing an ...

20 EUR/h, Romania

adrian constantin

Execut la comand? elemente grafice pentru print sau utilizare pe internet. Execut company sau personal logo, car?i de vizit?, flyer & broschure, book cover, postere etc

Suita Adobbe> Photoshop, Indesign, Ilustrator, premier (incepator).
5 EUR/h, 40 Hours/Week, Romania


Computer Science Student
Currently attending 3rd year of Undergraduate at Politehnica University of Timisoara.

Programming Languages: - C/C++ - C# - Java - Python - PHP - Javascript (And node.js) - Google sheets/Excel editing/scripting  
10 EUR/h, 40 Hours/Week,


Salut, Sunt un simplu programator ce iti poate da idei de design si de user experience, dar totodata te poate ajuta sa iti creezi si/sau sa iti intretii aplicatia. Daca ai nevoie de ajutor, fie el cat de mic, nu ezita sa ma contactezi.

.NET, C#, SQL, Java, Angular
20 EUR/h, 10 Hours/Week,


Senior System engineer
I consider myself to be a trust-able person in the professional environment and in other circumstances equally . You can be sure that when I start a project or a mission I will always reach the finish line no matter the difficulty. I carry on when ...

Vmware  Cisco SQL server Windows OS Windows server OS


Java Developer

Operating Systems:<?Windows 98/XP/Vista/7, Linux Ubuntu>      Programming Languages: <?Java, JavaScript, HTML, C/C++,SQL> Software: < Eclipse RAP, Eclipse RCP, OSGi,JSF, JSP, Hibernate, EJB3, Spring Injection, ...
12 Hours/Week,


Video/Audio Editor
Persoana ambitioasa,implicata,descurcareata si rapida,cunosc foarte bine programul de editare Sony Vegas Pro,Audacity,Izotope Ozone 7. Cunosc ce inseamna Color Grading si tot ce este legat de video.

-Sony Vegas Pro -Color Grading -Audacity -Izotope Ozone 7 -Effects -Rapiditate -Atentie la detalii -Respect cerintele    
15 EUR/h, 40 Hours/Week,


Sunt pasioanta de programare, inginerie si stiinte exacte. Asimilez usor informatii si ma adaptez repede. Sunt muncitoare si responsabila.

Java, REST, Hibernate, Bash Scripting, C, Gradle, SQL, Python
5 EUR/h, 16 Hours/Week, Romania


Designer cad
Promptitudine, atentie, rapiditate.

Electric, Civil,  Mecanic,  A&C
10 EUR/h, 40 Hours/Week, Romania



Adobe Photoshop, CoreDraw, Html, CSS, Microsoft Word, Excel