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Just me searching desperately for ***

Office, C++, MySQL, a little bit oh PHP


Product Manager, Recruiter

Project management, People management, Problem management, Incident management, Operations management, Support, Technical support, Recruitment, Onboarding specialist, Human Resources, HR coaching, Customer care specialist, Customer support, JIRA, ...


Content Marketing, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Video Marketing, Webdesign
Operând sub brandul “Pro Digital Media”, organizatia si-a axat activitatile mai ales în zona de eCommerce a internetului, evoluând simultan cu aparitia de noi mijloace software si hardware. Astfel, optimizarea ...

Mixul de marketing Optimizarea website-ului În intervalul de timp alocat optimizarii site-ului,  sugeram o multitudine de modificari cheie menite sa aduca rezultatele targetate. Efortul se concentreaza în jurul îmbunatatirii ...
20 EUR/h, 30 Hours/Week, Romania


Google Analytics and Tag Manager expert
Previously led retail and digital marketing for LEGO Certified Stores and PANDORA. Experienced in PPC, affiliate, social for both e-commerce and travel or news websites. I have a Master's degree in economic analysis and over 8 years in digital ...

Google Analytics Google Tag Manager Google Search Console Google Data Studio Google Optimize Social Media Marketing Professional SEO Consultants & Specialists Google AdWords Experts Blog Writers Facebook advertiser Twitter Marketing ...
30 EUR/h, 10 Hours/Week, Romania


Informatician Economist
Sunt o persoana ambitioasa! 

Rapiditate in introducerea datelor. Dezvoltarea aplicatiilor WEB si Mobile. Creeare Baze de Date.
10 EUR/h, 40 Hours/Week,

Dragos Sorin

Software Engineer
Fullt stack Java EE / Android / Javascript / PHP Software devloper.

Java: Java EE 5, 6, 7 (EJBs, JMS, JPA, JAX-RS, JAX-B, JSP), Spring (all flavours including MVC, Batch), MyBatis, JDBC, JUnit, Android. Appervers: IBM Websphere Application Server and Portal 8.5, Oracle Weblogic 12c, Tomcat, Google ...
20 EUR/h, 20 Hours/Week, Romania


SQL Server DBA
DBA focused on MSSQL server, but always open to other technologies. Interested in collaboration 24x7 remote DBA service based on an Service Level Agreement.

Windows Server | Servers | Microsoft SQL Server | IIS | Disaster Recovery System Administration | Databases | Troubleshooting | Windows | Data Migration  Microsoft Exchange | Lotus Domino ...
10 EUR/h, 18-22 Hours/Week, Romania

Eduard Michael

Data Entry
I never like to give up and I can't leave a job unfinished.

-Good writing skills.-Organizational and planning skills.-Good presentation and communication skills.-Interest in the technical field and for deepening the knowledge of the company's products and services.
7 EUR/h, 70 Hours/Week, Romania


Software Developer

C/C++ (VisualStudio/CodeBlocks) - avansat - 3 aniJavaScript - mediu - 1 anPHP - incepator - 2 luni Sisteme de operare : Windows - expert - 5 aniLinux (UBUNTU) - mediu - 1 an Java (NetBeans) - mediu - 2 aniCSS - mediu- 1 anMATLAB Simulink - ...
12 EUR/h, 4 Hours/Week, Romania

Elena Gabriela

Data entry
Sunt o persoana serioasa, motivata sa invete lucruri noi, sa se dezvolte. 

Microsoft Office-avansat PhotoShop-basic Sql- basic WordPress- basic
12 EUR/h, 14 Hours/Week,